Welcome to the Women Center of Peel | A non-profit organization that provides women and girls with self- development and community connection. Contact us Today 416 346 0295 / Email: admin@womencentreofpeel.org


Employment support services

Job Search Workshops help Women who are unemployed or looking to up skill in their workplace and newcomers develop job-searching skills, tools and understanding of the Canadian labour market. The workshops are 3-4 days in length at no cost to the participant.

 Workshops topics include:

  • Orientation to the Canadian Labor Market
  • Self-Assessment of Skills
  • Effective Resume- and Cover Letter Writing
  • Soft skills for office work and Application Forms
  • Networking and Techniques for Contacting Employers
  • Successful Interview Techniques
  • Overview of the Workplace
  • Workers’ Rights and Employment Standards

Volunteer Development

We work actively with our clients to encourage and support them to become more civically engaged. Through volunteering and participating in community development activities, newcomers and immigrants improve language skills, develop leadership capacity, breakdown social isolation and volunteer in their communities. The program does this by developing and coordinating volunteer opportunities, peer led programming, catalyzing new initiatives, providing and coordinating leadership training, strengthen WCP participation in networks and collaboration, and developing innovative new partnerships. It also provides backed in supports to our other programs through volunteer coordination, leveraging resources, and integrated community development principles in to programs.

Some of the key activities are:

Volunteer development (Fitness club, Video club and photography club)

Cook and Eat It Up community Kitchen program

Cook, Eat & Talk – This group is held two to four times a year, with each session running for 12 weeks. Childcare is provided. Through cooking, eating and talking, women have the opportunity to discuss various topics, make friends and break isolation. It encourages women to become involved in their community through cooking and food preparation as an engagement mechanism to encourage women to make positive changes and decisions in their lives.

Women’s Health Care – the Centre assists women in the sourcing of information on women’s health issues – information evenings are conducted on topics of interest i.e. breast cancer Digestive health, Aging gracefully, preparation for retirement, the menopause, etc.

Public education and computer club

Women who need to update their information technology skills are supported to gain skills on social engineering networking, Microsoft office training, financial training and home management.

Placement Student and Internship Staff

To be updated

Women Support Group

Women’s Circle

Women’s Circle is a two hours 8 weekly structured opportunity to share insights, wisdom, knowledge, and other resources that inspire and promote personal growth and prevent Abuse. It supports women in violence prevention and provides women with tools for self- advocacy and the skills to diffuse controlling behaviour. Women’s circle is a place where women are coached through developing a workable plan to achieve goals at their own pace. Women take action; facilitators provide them with wealth of inspiration, motivation, communication, and resourceful tools that will assist to actualize a dream.

Sister’s Circle

Sister’s Circle is our two hours 8 weekly structured mental health support program that features various educational session to assist women understand their mental health, learn the skills towards growth and recovery and stress management techniques. In addition to participating in the group meetings, you will meet people with similar issues from your community who can relate to your experiences. Women with mental health issues come together to break isolation and learn tools to rewrite their narratives.

Our support group:

  • Give you the opportunity to reach out to others and benefit from the experience of those who have been there.
  • Help you understand that a mood disorder does not define who you are.
  • Help you rediscover strengths and humor you may have thought you had lost.
  • Motivate you to follow your treatment plan.
  • Provide a forum for mutual acceptance, understanding and self-discovery

WCP Video Program

To be updated

Monthly Events